Saberi Roy Quotes

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Some Quotations - Saberi Roy (can be used with proper credits)

1. You don’t create poetry, poetry creates you

2. Poetry is about making love to your thoughts

3. The beginning of a poem, the end of a story and the middle part of a novel - that’s the pulse of literature

4. Exploring the basest and highest thoughts of my mind is a favorite philosophical exercise

5. There are three kinds of famous people in this world – one kind famous for their work, second kind famous for being famous and third kind famous for thinking that they are famous

6. Psychology is about discovering the I in the you

7. Love for God, love for humanity and love for knowledge are the three greatest loves in humans

8. Madness is misdirected energy

9. I have two selves and one always laughs at the other

10. An intellectual has no home, no family, no race, no place, no religion and even no gender!

11. The lover is a god and also a slave

12. Some people after walking a mile, think that they have seen the world and some others after seeing the world, think that they have simply walked a mile.

13. Women with boob jobs should simply first get a brain job.

14. God created man so man created God. Simple.

15. You fall in lust with a body and fall in love with a soul.
16. God is the greatest magician. His show goes on longer than usual.

17. God is in the mind, in matter, in nothing and in everything.

18. Love is about giving all and taking all

19. Love is an investment, marriage is insurance.

20. Life is a comedy or a tragedy, depends on how you look at it.

21. To not attain greatness when you can is a crime against humanity.

22. I am always in love, never sure with whom.

23. The genius is (in many cases) hated while alive, loved when dead.

24. The difference between a madman and a genius is that a genius knows he’s mad.

25. If you have to keep telling people around you that you’re great, you’re not great.

26. The only important question is ‘why we are here’. The rest is froth.

27. I believe opposites merge somewhere and reality is circular. If it all begins with a zero, it'll end with a zero

28. No matter how many different answers we have about the nature of reality, the question has remained the same through the ages and will continue to remain the same.

29. Success is not just about using your head. It’s also about using your heart.

30. The brightest minds are also the biggest hearts

31. Ideas are everything

32. Madness is an art that geniuses master

33. I would say the guy who invented the ZERO is the greatest scientific and philosophical genius of all time.

34. Popularity is being loved by people in your lifetime. Immortality is being loved by people for eternity.

35. Creativity like crime is about instant gratification of impulses

36. Never break rules made by others, simply don’t follow them

37. Science tells us how never tells us why, that is why we believe in God

38. In religious realization as in scientific realization, intuition is the primary ingredient. The scientific method which depends on sense perception is limited without a place for intuition.

39. God is the underlying principle of this universe. God is a Universal Cosmic Principle (compatible with all sciences and all religions).

40. The urge to create is not an option but a compulsion.

41. Greatness comes from love, a love for all humanity. Greatness seeks immortality as immortality is not about fame, nor money but everlasting love.

42."Imagination is mental exercise.Creativity is mental excursion. Dreams are mental excretions, Madness is mental excess (as in dyspepsia/ diarrhea)"

43. Any subject or discipline is simply a part of an entire integrated knowledge system so any theory or idea in any discipline is not separate from or independent of other theories or ideas within the knowledge system
44. Religious ideas are perfectly compatible with scientific ideas. Scientists and creators of religion have tried to convey the same truths, only in different ways.
45. For decades, people have argued and continue to argue on a false science-religion divide and the argument is baseless. 

45. Religion as realization is intuitive understanding of a Universal Cosmic Principle. All great minds including Einstein and Buddha tend to have this intuitive insight.  

46. The greatest social myth is that we are all born natural heterosexuals and heterosexual is the only normal. Humans are natural bisexuals and choose their sexuality and sexual orientation, becoming heterosexual or homosexual according to social and psychological conditioning. 
47. Enlightenment and self realization is the sum of all knowledge in all books ever written and will be written and ...more
Copyright: Saberi Roy
The quotations given here are by Saberi Roy, please provide full credit if you use these words. Thank you.

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